High Shoals, NC

High Shoals, NC Now and Then

Bob Rice, If you known Bob Rice PLEASE respond to this by adding a "Remember When"

Melea Jimenz writes:


Many of you know Bob Rice and are aware that he is courageously battling kidney cancer.  Bob grew up in High Shoals with my dad, Avery Tucker.  My name is Melea-Tucker Jimenez.  My dad Avery also courageously fought lung cancer and went to be with the Lord on September 10th of 2009.  My mom is Martha Withers Tucker and my Grandparents are Robert & Rudy Tucker and Ralph & Olie Withers, all of High Shoals.


The Rice family lived one mill house from us on Cherry Street and were second family growing up.  Angie, Todd, "Bojo"-Bobby Joe Jr. and Jennifer were like sisters and brothers to me.  Those were the days!  I visited with Bob and his family last week and received a wonderful blessing!  Bob was in great spirits and has a very strong faith in God.  Just talking with him and his family blessed by heart!  During the conversation Bob memtioned the High Shoals website.  Someone had told him about it and he wanted the address so that he could visit it himself.


Please leave a "Remember when...message" to Bob and keep him and his precious family in your prayers.

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Comment by lewis christopher garrison on August 5, 2011 at 7:40pm
Hey Bobby Joe, I bet you remember falling in the river at the Hot Hole in February. You and me with all kinds of tackle and Jeff Fletcher caught the most fish with a Zebco 202. God Bless You Brother
Comment by Lewis Charles Carpenter on August 5, 2011 at 6:53pm
Hello Bob,  I remember when you worked for my Dad, Will Carpenter, at the store in High Shoals.  I worked there too and have fond memories of those times.  At the time I complained about having to work, but I learned a lot and would not trade that experience for anything.  Hope you are doing better. I will be by to see you.  Lewis

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