High Shoals, NC

High Shoals, NC Now and Then

Hi!  My name is Melody Ray Collier.   l grew up in High Shoals on Cherry Street with my grandparents, Burgin and Ruby Sisk, better known as "Nanney & Papa" and my mother Dixie Sisk Barr.  I was saddened to hear the news about what Bobby Joe is going through and so was my mother.  Please know the entire family is deeply in our prayers.  Bobby Joe and his family were our neighbors.  We lived right beside each other!!  I grew up playing with Todd and Angie. I even remember when Bobby Joe jr and Jennifer were born.  That enitre street was like one big happy family.  I also played with Tanya and Melea Tucker as well.  I'm so sorry to hear about the lose of your dad!  We all used to go trick or treating together.  I remember Judy Rice hauling all of us kids to the ball games.  My papa used to take me to the auctions at the fire station every Friday night.  Way too many memories to list.  Yes, those were the days!!!!  We were always there for each other when anything, good or bad happened.  It was such a joy to live on that street and beside Bobby Joe and his family.  Bobby and family, please know that our prayers are with you and will continue to be.  We all grow up and grow older, but those wonderful childhood memories last forever!!!!  To Bobby Joe, Judy, Todd, Angie, Bobby Joe Jr and Jennifer...........my mother and I are praying for you all and we love you!!!!!

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