High Shoals, NC

High Shoals, NC Now and Then

hello all. i am a descendant of john fulenwider and his son william. if any of you have any information on my family i would appreciate the help. just recently discovered my ancestory and would love to learn more about your town and its history

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Comment by jimmy d. fulenwider jr. on March 11, 2011 at 10:36pm
thanks for the information.
Comment by Steve D.Bailey on March 11, 2011 at 4:57pm

Hopefully someone will come up with so more information about John Fulenwider, I'll go through what I have and post back.  I do know he was at the Battle of Ramseur Mill which is reenacted every year at the battlefield.

 (Click on Address below)



I think he moved to Maiden, NC off Providence Mill Road and upon his death he was carried back to High Shoals to be buried in 1826.  He made cannon balls for the War of 1812 which were floated down the Catawba River to Charleston, SC.  Also at the foundry bullets were molded for the Revolutionary War (according to handed down written information).  His property which was a king's grant went from Kings Mountain, NC to High Shoals.  He also had interest in the iron furnaces in Iron Station, NC.  After his death, during the next several decades, the foundry business fell off.  I have several newspaper articles from the mid 1800s (that was given to me by Richard Smith) advertising foundry work.

The property and water rights were sold to D.A. Tompkins in 1892 where he started the cotton mill in 1901.

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