High Shoals, NC

High Shoals, NC Now and Then

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"Ethel White Garver died June 18, 2021"
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Eric Stephen Beam posted photos
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"I haaaaaerd allmy life about Jerry;s baseball prowess"
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Safety Patrol

"who has the town criers"
May 6, 2020
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Apr 10, 2020
Frances Robinson Carnes and Jerry Reel are now friends
Sep 5, 2019



Welcome to the High Shoals, NC web site. H.S.Historic StaffAdministrators posted a status.

We hope you will enjoy your stay here, the staff is working to bring history and current activies together. You are welcome to add content to the site. If you have any old or new pictures please share them with us (so far we have over 1,000 pictures on the site). It is a "family friendly" site so all content should be suitable to be viewed by any age.

Featured pictures:

Telephone service coming to High Shoals, from The News-Herald (Morganton, NC)  Fri. Jan. 17, 1902

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Dec. 1, 2014

We lost a dear "history" friend last month, Nancy Anthony, here's several pictures that were at her Celebration of Life service:

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The back picture is her standing with me at a field trip to High Shoals several years ago.

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Nov. 24, 2014

A picture from 1912 f Dr. John Gamble Sr. with Miss Lena Kendrick, Miss Kendrick (Stamey) and Mrs. Harris. Dr. Gamble started his practice in 1911 at the cotton mill.

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Nov. 17, 2014

Lincoln Times May 7, 1969

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October 20, 2014

This picture came from Libby Reel of here book that came with here school picture.

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October 13, 2014

Donnie, Michael and Steve Bailey on Church Street in the late 1950s

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October 6, 2014

The faculty of the 1956-57 school year at High Shoals School, Left to right: Mrs. Robinson 6th grade, Mrs. Hardy 1st grade, Mrs. Lutz 7th grade, Mrs. Friday 2nd grade, Mrs. Rhyne 3rd grade, ?  ,   ?  ,  maybe someone will name the last two women, and Principal Howard M. Kiser (from the Libby Reel collection)

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September 29, 2014

These pictures are from John Rutledge of the northeast side of the court square in Lincolnton in the 1940s of the Gardner's Grocery Store.  This is his mother Fahy Ramsey Rutledge

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September 22, 2014

Cherry Street around 1950

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September 15, 2014

The oldest house in Lincoln County is located in Crouse:  the Peter Eaker home 1761

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September 8, 2014

The mill's superintendent, A. Q. Kale at his home on River Street

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September 1, 2014

Bud & Lillian  Tisdale with their friends the Thackons (from the Tisdale collection

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August 25, 2014

From Steve Abernethy, A picture of Boger Crawford Mill in 1928

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August 18, 2014

On the front porch of the Lincoln Lithia Inn, James Abernathy on the right bought the Inn After D.E. Rhyne died in 1933.

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August 11, 2014

Berlin and Edith Beam

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August 4, 2014

Bud Tistale on the river bridge in High photo BudTisdaleontheoldriverbridgeinHighShoals_zpsd88a9321.jpg Shoals

July 28, 2014

Daniel Abernethy, Evelyn Lackey and James Smith at the old Baptist Church

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July 21, 2014

D.E. Rhyne in the Tin Mine just north of High Shoals in the early 1930s. (Second of right in the front)

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July 14, 2014

This picture comes from Betty Griffin, 

The picture is of John Sidney Goodson, his daughter Inez and granddaughter Camilla Sutton in John’s general store, which was also located on Hwy 150 across the street from Boger-Crawford.

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July 7, 2014

High Shoals Baptist Church in 1979 with Joe Campbell, from the Babb collection

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June 30, 2014

Happy 4th of July

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June 23, 2014

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Here's another bit of history from David C. Heavner that he wrote on June 1, 2005. Dr. Wetmore also worked with St. John's Church in High Shoals, in some of my research, I found that after the Civil War there were 12 white members and 18 black members at St. John's Episcopal Church in High Shoals.

The Saga of St. Cyprian's and St. Steven's Churches

Reverend William A. Wetmore, rector of St. L...uke’s Episcopal Church in Lincolnton, was a great believer in religious rights for everyone. He truly believed this for all citizens, white, black, red or brown. He and his church board organized a Sunday School class for African Americans at St. Luke’s in 1862. The same group, in 1872, organized and built a Mission’s Chapel. This chapel, named Saint Steven’s, was constructed on the southwest corner of West Church St. and South Government St.

This chapel was really meant to help the African American community. It was used regularly until it was reorganized into a church-St. Cyprian’s Episcopal. This change, from mission to church, occurred in 1886. At the time of the change the church was comprised of two buildings, the Church itself, and a Sunday School building. In addition to these two buildings there was also a parsonage.

In trying to ascertain the facts of this growth, I contacted two local citizens who have a personal knowledge of this subject. One of these, Mr. Leroy Magnus of Newcastle Avenue, vividly remembers being taken to Sunday School at St. Cyprian’s by his grandfather, David M. Motz. Mr. Magnus attended St. Cyprian’s until his marriage to Dorothy Prue Nixon. Together they joined the A.M. E. Methodist Church. Here Mr. Magnus was one of the church officials.

Another citizen who has personal memories of St. Cyprian’s is Mr. Leonard Holloway. Mr. Holloway lives on West Water St. Mr. Holloway has a close relationship with the church because his father, M.H. “Polly” Holloway and his wife took their family to St. Cyprian’s every Sunday. Mr. Leonard Holloway and his wife Katherine Russell, also have a daughter, Nelda , who was married at St. Cyprian’s to Mr. Roger Ramseur.

The church, though an unimposing structure on the outside, was completely different on the inside. It was light and bright in every aspect. Some of the members I was able to find out about include two of St. Cyprian’s pastors, the Reverend Grant Folmsbee and Reverend Kennedy. The latter was called to serve in Asheville, N.C.

Mr. Leonard Holloway was chosen as a lay leader for evening services. Mr. Vernon Landers and his wife, Elizabeth McBee Landers were also members. He and his wife, affectionately called “Toome”, lived in their home just behind the Pleasant Retreat Memorial Academy, which was built in 1816. Elizabeth taught Sunday School at St. Cyprian’s for many years. Mr. Landers was a barber with a shop in the Odd Fellows Lodge. His shop was on the first floor of the Lodge building. This was located on the northeast corner of North State and East Main St. Later, Vernon moved his shop to West Water St. On his retirement, he sold one barber chair to Mr. Lawrence Leatherman. It now sits in Mr. Jim Leatherman’s barber shop on South Academy St.

The position of organist was filled for many years by Mrs. Judy Ramseur. Mr. David Motz was Sunday School superintendent.

Over the years the members of St. Cyprian’s drifted away to other churches, Baptist, Presbyterian and A.M.E. Methodist, among others. This exodus caused the final closing of St. Cyprian’s.

Mr. Leonard Holloway and his family returned to their home church, St. Luke’s Episcopal.

St. Luke’s Sunday School, St. Steven’s Mission Chapel, and St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church together served the African American Community for ninety eight years. In the 1970s, the church, Sunday School and parsonage were destroyed to make government housing project.

June 16, 2014

Here's another one from Richard Smith of Mrs. Hardy's early years at the High Shoals School (around 1930).

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June 9, 2014

You might remember Shrum's junk yard north of High Shoals

from the B.S. Smith files

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June 2, 2014

This picture came from R. Smith of our old good friend, David Foster, while in was in Korea.

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May 26, 2014

Since it's Memorial Day week, We thought we'd show a couple of David Foster's pictures of when he was in Korea.  He did magic with his camera.

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Here's David

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May 19, 2014

James C.  "JC" Smith working in the mill

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Richard Smith sends this picture of JC and Polly on the shoals with the mill in the background.

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May 12, 2014

The "Battle of Ramseur Mill" in Lincolnton this week end on Saturday and Sunday (near the Lincolnton High School football field.  John Fulinwider was active for America during the Revolutionary War. 

The Battle of Ramsour's Mill reenactment takes place this weekend - Saturday, May 17 and Sunday, May 18, 2014, at 301 Jeb Seagle Road in Lincolnton, near Lincolnton High School. We will have the "Ghost Walk" on Friday night, May 16, and Sat...urday night, May 17. The "Ghost Walk" starts each night at 8:00 p.m. at the main log building near Lincolnton High School's football practice field. Tickets are $5, and you can be order them in advance or purchase them the night of each "Ghost Walk." Join us for an exciting "Ghost Walk" around one of the Lincoln County's most historically significant sites. Call us at (704) 748-9090 or email lcmh@bellsouth.net to order your tickets. See More

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May 5, 2014

One of the first bowling lanes in the area was at the Lithia Inn just several miles up the road from High Shoals.  It closed in 1940.  These are the only pictures that I have seen of the duck pin lanes at the inn.  Thanks to J. Hoyle for sharing his family pictures with us.  The building on the left is on the left with a farm house on the right.

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The sign states that on Saturday and Sunday the high score wins $2.00.

April 28, 2014

Just up the river from High Shoals was the Long Shoals Cotton Mill, here's a picture from the Betty Sue Smith Files of her and Dock on the one lane Long Shoals bridge.

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April 21, 2014

D.E. Rhyne coming out of the tin mine, pulling the ore cart.

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April 14, 2014

Just up the road from High Shoals was the Tin Mine just off Highway 321, here is D.E. Rhyne (front and center who owned the Laboratory Mill).  This is a rare picture of the mine. photo Scan15_zps56a53391.jpg

April 7, 2014

Fred Justice doffing spinning, this was a production job in the mill.  after a worker would doff so many frames for each frame extra they would get 2 cent more on the hour.

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March 31, 2014

Instead of a picture this week, here's a little history of High Shoals.

The Development of High Shoals


         From the Annals of Lincoln County North Carolina,  By William L. Sherrill                            


Page 65

"We have no record of civilized man in America prior to its discovery by Columbus in 1492.  From the morning of creation it has been a wild country where the bear and the buffalo, the panther and

the wolf contested with the savage Indians for supremacy.

It was a full 250 years after Columbus came that the white man first beheld the beauty of the

Catawba valley and the hills to the west of it.  When counties were first organized on the seacoast their western bountries reached the Mississippi River, which was the British frontier........

It is not known for certain who were the first settlers west of the Catawba.  The late Alfred Nixon

to whom we are all indegted for valued service in preserving our County history, stated that "the first plae face to set foot on Lincoln soil was John Beatty," who crossed the Catawba in 1749 at the ford which bears his name, and settled near the present Unity Presbyterian Church."


( The Spanish had been in the area for 100 years but only had explorers and a few outpost.  They were in the area in 1540, Warren Wilson College have a dig of a Spanish fort near Morganton.  Click on this site:   http://www.warren-wilson.edu/~arch/berrysite     for more information).


"John Fulenwider erected a forge on Maiden Creek, near the present town of Maiden, in 1804, and for some years manufactured iron there.  Later it was operated by A.F. and E.J. Brevard and later still by William Williams, until about 1880.  John Fulenwider was also the founder of the High Shoals Iron Works.  He manufactured there cannon balls during the war of 1812 and shipped them in flat boats to Charleston.  He also made wagon tire, plows, horse shoes, chain iron, nails and various farm tools.  After the Civil War the property was owned and operated by Admiral Charles Wilkes of the United States Navy.  Nails were made as late as 1872, when it ceased to be operated.  About 1900 the High Shoals Cotton Mill was built on the same site by D.A. Tompkins."


Page 92-93



John Fulenwider, a native Swiss, was born about 1756.  As a very young man he came to America and to Rowan County, North Carolina, fought with the Rowan men at Ramsour's Mill and Kings Mountain.  After the war he was attracted to Lincoln County on account of the rich iron deposits.  Was one of the first manufacturers of pig iron from iron ore, using charcoal in the process of its manufacture.  He also operated a gold mine on his own land, but his signal success was in the manufacture of pig iron, and as stated elsewhere he furnished the government with cannon balls, manufactured from iron which he mined, for use in the War of 1812.  He was a man of mark in his day, was founder of the High Shoals Iron Works, and his will, probated in 1828, indicates that he possessed some 20,000 acres of land in Lincoln County, many slaves and personal property besides, of great value.  Had he lived in our day he would, no doubt, have been a great caption of industry.

He died September 4, 1826.  The executors of his will were his son, Henry Fulenwider, and his son-in-law, Judge Robert H. Burton.  When he died his body was buried at High Shoals and the tomb bears the following inscription:

"Sacred to the memory of

John Fulenwider

who died on the 4th day of September, 1826

in the 70th year of his age.

Beloved in Life'

Regretted in Death"  "


March 24, 2014

Here's a few more pictures from the Lithia Inn which was several miles north of High Shoals from the 1930s.

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March 17, 2014

The Lithia Inn,    

A.Q. Kale and D.A. Tompkins helped to promote the Lithia Inn and spent time enjoying the Inn.   Now the site is the Lincoln County golf course.

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March 10, 2014

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March 3, 2014

This picture of the week comes from Jimmy D. Fulenwider, Jr., he writes:

This is Henry Fulenwider. One of John's sons (I'm his younger brother William's descendant) he was instumental in the early development of ~schools~ in the area and involved with high shoals iron works with his brother John Jr. after their father's death.

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

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February 24, 2014

Here's another video from Gaston Cunty:


February 17, 2014

Here's another short video with partial sound

Belmont, NC History 2- School Days and Baseball

click on the address below


February 10, 2014

Since It's ~Valentine's~ Week I thought I'd show a little romance in High Shoals.  Over 100 years ago "Love was in the air" on the mill pond, one of the courting rituals in the community.

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February 3, 2014

Up the river from the High Shoals Mill was the Lincoln Cotton Mill at Southside, NC, this picture shows the workers from 1907.

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Some were very young, this was before the child labor laws.

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January 27, 2014

This week instead of a picture we have a video from the Rhynes at The Laboratory Mill. The first house in the film is D.E. Rhyne's first home which still stands today overlooking the mill, the second house was his second home which can be seen east of the first house (it was built in 1844 by John Hoke for his daughter). The two men talking are R.L. Stowe (b1866) and Laban Jonathan Rhyne (b1849). click the youtube address below to see it.


January 20, 2014

Dr. John Gamble had told me that his father had started his practice in High Shoals, when the cotton mill hired him as their doctor~.  Thanks to R. Smith for digging it up from the past.

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January 13,

This is the first time that I have seen this picture of the High Shoals Baptist Church. R. Smith brought it to me today which he received from G. Chapman. Over the years I always thought the church was totally destroyed by a wind in 1913. I had read that six women were in the church at the time it was destroyed and had to be pulled out of the building. In my "mind's eye", I saw it completely destroyed but here you can see it was knocked off the foundation bricks but not completely destroyed. I can imagine it was a mess inside too. The church was established in 1902 and the church was built in 1903.

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January 6, 2014

December 1951, Mrs. Hazel Rampey, a warper tender at the Carolinian Mill, she started work at the mill in 1929. She lost her right hand in a machine at the factory. When she came back to work after the accident they were going to let her go. She begged and cried to keep her job which she was allowed to keep. With one hand she was still able to make production.

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December 30, 2013

Most of you know what these are....

The Cherryville New Year Shoots, bring in good luck and good health

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Chant of the New Years Shooters

Good morning to you, sir. We wish you a happy New Year,
Great health, long life, which God may bestow
So long as you stay here below. May he bestow the house you're in,
Where you go out and you go in. Time by moments steals away,
First the hour and then the day. Small the lost days may appear,
But they soon mount up to a year. Thus another year is gone,
And now it is no more of our own, but if it brings our promises good
As the year before the flood, but let none of us forget
It has left us much in debt, a favor from the Lord received
Since which our spirits hath been grieved. Marked by the unerring hand,
Thus in His book our record stands. Who can tell the vast amounts
Placed to each our accounts? But while you owe the debt is large,
You may plead a full discharge. But poor and selfish sinners say,
What can you to justice pay? Trembling last for life is past
And into prison you may be cast. Happy is the believing soul,
Christ for you has paid the whole. We have this New Year's morning
Called you by your name, and disturbed you from your rest,
But we hope no harm by the same. As we ask, come tell us your desire,
And if it be your desire, our guns and pistols they shall fire.
Since we hear of no defiance, you shall hear the art of science.
When we pull trigger and powder burns, you shall hear the roaring of our guns;
Oh, daughters of righteousness, we will rise and warm our eyes
And bless our hearts, for the old year's gone and the New Year's come
And for good luck, we'll fire our guns

December 23, 2013

The High Shoals' pictures from the 1950s that were on display at the "Tour of Trees" in Lincolnton 

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Merry Christmas!!

December 16, 2013

December 1949, the workers at the Carolinian Mills were buzzing around making High Shoals first major Christmas float that would be in the Lincolnton parade. The children that were on the float were: Judy Ray, Trudy Law, Jimmy Mathis, Darlene Keever, Eugene Robinson, Judy Shelton, Harry Whitner, Marlyn Lindsey, and Roger Rice. This picture is from East Main Street in Lincolnton (where the BB&T Bank is located today).

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On the 100 block of East Main Street

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On the south side of the courthouse.

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December 9, 2013

The cotton mill giving out treat bags at the school during the Christmas celebration in the 1950s.

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December 2, 2013

Christmas in the 1950s.  The cotton mill provided a Christmas party for the employees.  Because of segregation, one was celebrated at the High Shoals school and the other at a church.

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November 25, 2013

South end of River Street in High Shoals, this was some of the first houses that the cotton mill built to rent to the employees in the early 1900s. Some of these house are standing today. The river can be seen in the background. The company farm was on the right of the picture.

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November 18, 2013

A view inside of the Spinning Room of the cotton mill in the early 1950s.

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November 11, 2013

An aerial view of the Boger Crawford/ J.P. Stevens Cotton Mill in Boger City.  It started production in 1918, so it didn't use water power or steam engines to power the plant. photo 262300_218904848149966_100000913573987_635106_4587675_n1_zps2f4c8703.jpg






November 4, 2013

A picture of the employees from the Linford Cotton Mill in Belmont, NC from April 30, 1928.  The mill started production on March 1, 1923..  The census from 1900 shows 145 people lived in Belmont, due to the increase in the twelve cotton mills that sprang up in  the early 1900s, the population had increased to 3,000 by 1920.This was part of the Lineburger group of mills which was started by J.E. Ford and Will Puett. (photo given by S. Hollbrocks)

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October 28, 2013


1957, the Fall Carnival at the High Shoals School.

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  October 21, 2013

River Street, looking up the hill at the mill built houses (some of these houses are still lived in today).


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 Does anyone know who this man is with Ocie Farmer?  If so respond under the forum

After a 1 1/2 years we have the answer to this question, thanks to Blair J. Devine, he states: 

Ocie Farmer married  James "Squire" Wentz. Her son William is a very good friend of mine and I just finished doing his family tree. He has  a copy of this photo and on the back it says the man is Mose (probably Moses) Black.

He also has another photo made at the same time with Ocie and a Fred Lynn.  I don't reconize  him and the only Fred Lynn I have info on was  Fred Daniel Lynn, brother of Rev. J. D. Lynn.  He would have been about Ocie's age.







Here's a drawing from the 1908 book "High Shoals,  Gaston County, NC A Southern Cotton Mill Town", it shows John Fulenwider's foundry on the river in 1800.



A.Q. Kale, Superintendent of the mill from 1901 until 1924 (from the Mary Huss collection).







Below the dam at the lower part of the shoals:


Iron press from John Fulenwider's foundery and historic marker on Lincoln Street. Fulenwider was an early settler of High Shoals.

Drums Florist and Gifts Inc. of Lincolnton, NC has agreed to sponsor the web site for at least six more months which will bring us to June 7, 2014. Drums Florist was established in 1938, it is the oldest retail business in downtown Lincolnton. Visit them at: www.drumsflorist.com

 The "NING" network has removed the events (if we wanted to keep the events it would have cost eight times the current cost of the site). So, if you have an event to post please put it in the Blog area.

Special thanks to David Foster and Richard Smith for all their photographs, knowledge, research and input in helping the "High Shoals History Project"

come to life.


Mr/ Friday 2nd grade teacher High Shoals Sch. 1959--?

Does anyone know Mrs. Friday's first name or where she lived?Continue

Started by Eric Stephen Beam Jan 6, 2021.

Mrs. Friday 2nd grade teacher during the 1950's at High Shoals elem?

Does anyone know Mrs. Friday's first name or anything about ehr family history at all?Continue

Started by Eric Stephen Beam Nov 23, 2020.

Who is this man with Ocie Farmer?? 2 Replies

 This is Ocie Farmer at the High Shoals Mill Dam, can any one ID the man, the picture is from about 1930.  click on "Continue" to see the pictures.Continue

Started by Steve D.Bailey. Last reply by Steve D.Bailey Oct 20, 2013.

Pictures of the week.

We have been notified that we have filled the pictures of the week area and can't add anything else there unless we delete some of the older pictures which we don't want to do so we are working on a…Continue

Started by Steve D.Bailey Oct 13, 2013.

View Full Size Pictures

Just for your information,  if you want to view a picture, newspaper clipping, etc. at a larger size, it can be enlarged by double clicking on the picture or click on the "View Full Size" below the…Continue

Started by H.S.Historic StaffAdministrators May 14, 2010.

Blog Posts

Lutzes Creek Grist Mill

I am currently researching the possible exixtence of a grist mill located on Lutzes Creek in High Shoals. I need your help!

This began after remembering the finding of a mill stone buried within a rubble pile on the creek bank. In 1969 myself and a friend found this while digging for old bottles. The stone would have been the stationary stone in the mill. The rolling stone was not found. Due to the value of antique mill stones I will not give any information on the site on this forum…


Posted by lewis christopher garrison on March 13, 2012 at 6:43pm

Posting videos on the web site

If you would like to post videos on this web site it is easy to establish a Photobucket account and then download the files here.  Go to Photobucket.com and you can load pictures and videos.  It's free to a point but if you want the mor advanced, it's $30.00 a year to set up your account.  I have used this for about 10 years for a catalyst for posting pictures and videos.

Posted by Steve D.Bailey on September 14, 2011 at 9:55am — 2 Comments

Bobby Joe Rice

Hi!  My name is Melody Ray Collier.   l grew up in High Shoals on Cherry Street with my grandparents, Burgin and Ruby Sisk, better known as "Nanney & Papa" and my mother Dixie Sisk Barr.  I was saddened to hear the news about what Bobby Joe is going through and so was my mother.  Please know the entire family is deeply in our prayers.  Bobby Joe and his family were our neighbors.  We lived right beside each other!!  I grew up playing with Todd and Angie. I even remember when Bobby Joe jr… Continue

Posted by Melody Ray Collier on August 12, 2011 at 12:58pm

Bobby Joe

I have know Bobby Joe probably all my life, he is a great person and a great friend, we used to have a lot of fun hanging out at the service station when Him and Jake ran it, those were the good ole days.

Posted by Gary Rudisill on August 6, 2011 at 9:57am

Bobby Joe Rice

I remember Bobby Joe Rice as a good softball player and a great baseball coach. He coached several of the teams I played on as a youngan growing up in High Shoals. Bobby Joe played a big part in my life early on. We had some great ball tems and forged lifetime friendships. God be with you my friend. God bless Judy and all of your family. I have seen the world, but know where my home is, and there is no place like home because of people like Bobby Joe. High Shoals will always be my home. 

Posted by Dean Abernathy on August 5, 2011 at 9:08pm

Bob Rice, If you known Bob Rice PLEASE respond to this by adding a "Remember When"

Melea Jimenz writes:


Many of you know Bob Rice and are aware that he is courageously battling kidney cancer.  Bob grew up in High Shoals with my dad, Avery Tucker.  My name is Melea-Tucker Jimenez.  My dad Avery also courageously fought lung cancer and went to be with the Lord on September 10th of 2009.  My mom is Martha Withers Tucker and my Grandparents are Robert & Rudy Tucker and Ralph & Olie Withers, all of High Shoals.


The Rice family lived one…


Posted by Steve D.Bailey on August 5, 2011 at 6:00pm — 2 Comments

To The Great Citizens of High Shoals. With Love Amy Padgett

I thought that my fellow neighbors should be privileged to the article in the Gaston Gazette that will be coming out about the community watch. I sincerely want to see us reach our full potential.
Thanks again for agreeing to do this. Here's the questionaire.

 1.) The first thing I tell a visitor about my hometown is:

2.) I live here because:

3.) How I got interested in what I Community…


Posted by Amy Padgett on July 11, 2011 at 8:54pm

new member seeking information

hello all. i am a descendant of john fulenwider and his son william. if any of you have any information on my family i would appreciate the help. just recently discovered my ancestory and would love to learn more about your town and its history

Posted by jimmy d. fulenwider jr. on March 10, 2011 at 11:13pm — 2 Comments


anyone in high shoals play ukulele

Posted by RICKY MAYHEW on June 1, 2010 at 9:30pm

Add a picture to your profile

If you hadn't loaded a picture to your profile, please do. It would be nice to see everyone..

Thanks for all the input, it's great to see the site growing. Please feel free to invite other people to join that have High Shoals interest.

H.S. Admin.

Posted by H.S.Historic StaffAdministrators on April 18, 2010 at 12:00pm

Featured pictures of the week

It seems that we have filled this blog area with  too much information so we can't post more here so we've moved the weekly pictures up to the top of the page.



October 14, 2013

A party at A.Q. Kale's home on the hill which overlooks River Street 1915.


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October 7, 2013

These pictures are from Naomi and Shorty Ramsey who lived and worked at Laboratory.  Mrs. Ramsey just died several weeks ago.


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September 30, 2013

An early map that was from General Hoke of the Laboratory and the Southside area along the South Fork of the Catawba River.



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September 23, 2013

An early (1905) picture of the shoals at High Shoals, this is a very unique place which should be protected and used as a county park but................it would make a great destination point as it was over a hundred years ago.  People would come from all around the area to picnic and enjoy the High Shoals band that played at the bandstand or paraded around the area making music for all to hear.

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At the High Shoals Mill dam in 1905, looking across to the raw material warehouse.  Before the "white man" this was the crossing for the Indians, at one time there was a large Indian village here . North on the hill above the High Shoals cemetery is the Indian burial grounds.

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September 16, 2013

From the Kale collection of the Superintendent's house (Kale home) that stands on the hill on River Street.


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Henderson Kale on the porch

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September 9, 2013

Views in the "new" cafeteria in the new addition of the High Shoals School in 1957.

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September 2, 2013

Since so many people from High Shoals would come to Lincolnton to shop in the 1940s and 1950s, I thought would show a few pictures from Lincolnton during this time.


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August 26, 2013

Here are more pictures from the 1916 flood on the South Fork of the Catawba (the picture quality is poor but we thought you might be interested).  These too are from John Dellinger.


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August 19, 2013

The old business district that is no more.....

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August 12, 2013

View inside of Southside Cotton Mill in the Spinning Room. Photos from John Dellinger

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August 5, 2013

This is from John Dellinger of the 1916 flood at Laboratory Mill.

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July 29, 2013

Flood waters at the mill in 1908


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July 22, 2013

Southside Cotton Mill village at it's hay day...


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July 15, 2013

Just north of High Shoals is the old Laboratory cotton mill, which is now being restored for events, John Dellinger is doing a great job on the huge project.

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July 8, 2013

10 shares in the Lincoln Cotton Mill which was "Southside Cotton Mill", dated 1896..

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July 1, 2013

These are several more pictures from Joseph Rhyne (via John Dellinger), going back to work after the 1916 flood at Laboratory.


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Back to work

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June 24, 2013

These pictures are from Laboratory at the Catawba River bridge after the 1916 flood.  The pictures came from Joseph Rhyne (via John Dellinger).




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They are coming




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 All of us

 (on the back of the picture: Girlfriends of Flossie Hicks)

June 17, 2013


The teachers of High Shoals School in 1952.

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June 10, 2013

David Foster and Bill Abernethy showing a picture of them from the 1950s at the High Shoals Reunion (9/11/2010).



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June 3, 2013

From the A.Q. Kale collection via Mary Huss.  I believe this is after the 1916 flood.  On the back of the picture is written:  "Part of the Catawba River dam was washed away by the flood.  This was taken a month or two ago.  The water was very low a least 4 feet below the dam on the other side."


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  "Puzzle:  Find a grin?  The lady with me is Helen Hemmeter."

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May 27, 2013

A lot of times if people in High Shoals needed to come to Lincolnton, they would call Carpenter's Cab Company.


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May 19, 2013

A view of the Goatman that came through the area many times, everyone would stop and watch the "parade"  as he pasted by.  Here he is west of Lincolnton, NC where the BiLo Grocery  store is located today.


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May 12, 2013


An early 1900s drawing of the mill



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May 5, 2013

Just up the river from High Shoals was the Indian Creek Cotton mill and mill village, these pictures are from Gaetar Harris (via Gary Chapman and Richard Smith), Mr. Harris is in the first picture below the dam. 






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April 29. 2013

The hydroelectric intake at the mill in the 1950s


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April 22, 2013
Views from the Kale house that still stands on the hill on River Street (The Supervisor  House)
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April 15, 2013
The High Shoals School in 1905
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April 8, 2013
View in the Spinning room in the 1950s
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Doffing spinning frames
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April 1, 2013
This picture is of Riverview Church from 1917, this is before Riverview moved across the river to it's present location.
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March 25, 2013
Store clerks and customers on the porch of the company store in High Shoals in 1905.  The writting on the sign:  "WE WANT YOUR TRADE" & "CHEW ZENO GUM"
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In 1893 William Wrigleys contracted the Zeno Gum Corporation to make chicle-based gum,
which he identified as far superior to paraffin wax, which was the beginning to something very big that still last to this day.
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A gum wrapper from 1905
Zeno chewing gum came in many flavors, Wrigley’s ‘Juicy Fruit’ and ‘Spearmint’ are still with us today.
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March 18, 2013
Resource boards from the Cinamax show that part was filmed in High Shoals.
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March 11, 2013
Julie Armstrong at her grandfather's place across from the business district.
Juliw with her grandfather, Webb Armstrong.
March 4, 2013
Sometimes the residents would go to Lincolnton to shop for food even thought there were two grocery stores in High Shoals (I remember that we would go the Lincolnton about once a month).  Here's two of Lincolnton's grocery stores, there was also several more in downtown. 
A&P was in the first block of East Main St.
 Winn Dixie was on the second block of East Main Street
Feb. 25, 2013
This post card comes from the Libby Reel/ William Heny Boyles collection, it's from Union Station that was located on the 300 block of South Academy Street in downtown Lincolnton.  From High Shoals the train when through Long Shoals, Southside, Long Shoals then Lincolnton.
On the west side of the street from the depot
Feb. 18, 2013
This post card is from 1902 (one year after the High Shoals Cotton Mill started production), it's from Bobbi Sullivan (via R. Smith).  I have numbered places of interest on the pic. 1. Raw material warehouse 2. St. Johns Epec. Church 3. H. S. Meth. Church 4. H. S. Hotel 5. Company Store 6. train  7. John Fulinwider's house/boarding house  8. intake turbines of the mill.  You might want to copy and paste the picture to your computer so it can be enlarged to see it better.
 The front of the post card, I think it's signed by D.A. Tompkins
The back of the post card
Feb. 11, 2013
This sky view of Hardin Cotton Mill which was several miles down stream from the High Shoals Mill comes from a post card from Libby Reel, it's from 1964.
Feb. 4, 2013
This picture is of Salen Lutheran/Reform Church on the Startown Road which is north of Lincolnton from about 1905 (the church was built in 1850).  St. Johns in High Shoals was built about the same time, so many churches that were built in the area have similiar styles.
Jan. 28, 2013
In the 1930s people around High Shoals might have seen Lewis Anthony barnstorming above them.  He had an airport between Dallas and Cherryville on St. Marks Church Road.
Or might have seen him on the ground.
Jan. 21, 2013
Here's Albert Haynes from Haynes Dairy standing with Ralph Abernethy at the Chevrolet dealship in Lincolnton.
Jan. 14, 2013
Here's two more pictures from Gary Chapman of his family.
Birthday party, Front right is Bill Chapman
Chapman family group picture
Blanche, Henry, Bill, Pruise, Jack and Sirlene (the names are hard to make them out from the back of the picture)
Jan. 7, 2013
This is from Gary Chapman of his family in 1937.
(Thanks Richard Smith for bringing this to us)  
Front row: 2 boys: Bill and Jack Chapman
2nd row: Jay High Matthews, Henry Lee Chapman, Gerlene Chapman, Authur Mathews, Delmar McAlister (little boy)
3rd row: Lillie mae Matthew, (Tet0, Bonnie Mathews, Louise Chapman, Brodus Matthews, Eva Matthews, Blanch Chapman, Roy Matthews, Bertha Matthews, Lois McAlister, J.D. MeAlister, Stella McAlister, ?,?,?,?  On Tompkins Street
Dec. 31, 2012
This week's pictures come from our new member, Jerry Queen. 
Baseball was a very big sport between the mills in the 1940s into the 1970s.  JD Queen made the biggest event possible with his girlfriend, Fleta Ballard, by marrying her at home plate during the ball game between Boger & Crawford and Cherryville's Carleton's team on July 13, 1940.  Such good pictures, thanks Mr. Queen for piece of history.
Dec. 24. 2012
In the 1950s everywhere in the USA was segregated, the whites had their Christmas party in the auditorium at the school and the blacks had theirs in the cloth room of the mill.
Dec. 17, 2012
Jack Whitener was always ready to be Santa's helper in the 1950s
Dec. 10, 2012
I know we have shown these before but since it's Christmas Time.....
Here's pictures of the High Shoals Mill first float which heads to Lincolnton.
This is from Lincoln Street, taken from Church Street.
Coming into Lincolnton on East Main Street (now where the BB&T is located)
On the 100 block of East Main Street in downtown Lincolnton.
On the bottom side of the court house i Lincolnton
Dec. 3, 2012
Before High Shoals was the official name of High Shoals it was known as Fulenwider because of John Fulenwider who owned the foundry at the river.  On this map from 1800 shows Fulenwider as the name.
Nov. 26, 2012
Rev. William Wetmore is pictured here with his son, Thomas C. Wetmore.  Rev. William Wetmore was the rector of St. Johns Episcopal Church, he was also the rector of St. Lukes in Lincolnton in the 1860s.
Nov. 19, 2012
Crowell Memorial Hospital in Lincolnton was used by many people in High Shoals in the past.  I remember that this is where we always went in the 1950s, my Doctor was Dr. Fitzgerald.
Nov. 12, 2012
For Veterans Day we'll show these pictures from David Foster.  They are on the USS Missouri where the treaty was signed in 1945 with Japan.
The spot where the treaty was signed
Nov. 5, 2012
HBO has been working on filming in the area for "Banshee" that will be seen in early 2013. Part of the film 's location was Laboratory and on the old High Shoals bridge.  Steve Bailey worked with the Charlotte Regional Film Assoc. getting these locations for the sets.
Oct. 29, 2012
Here's another grist mill that was in the area, just in Catawba County the "Rhodes Grist Mill" was built in the late 1700s.
The mill site along the stream.
The dam was located about 1/4 mile upstream from the mill.
The stream
From the dam, the water flowed through the man made channel to the water wheel at the mill. 
In the 1700s and early 1800s the area was called Rhodesville
Oct. 22, 2012
This week the Featured Pictures of the Week is in memory of David G. Foster.  Mr. Foster was a big part of High Shoals past.  We will miss him.
This is David in Korea, while there he helped the children.  Here are several pictures of his collection (I don't need to add that he was a very good photograher!).
He told me that giving a little went a long way, and anything made the children happy.
After returning from war, David was very active in the community, here he is with the Lions' Club when they were presented the American Flag (he is right of center)
A very good man, he will be missed,
Steve Bailey
Oct. 15, 2012
Just north of High Shoals was the Zimmerman Grist mill that was located on Beaver Dam Creek.  Here's pictures of the ruins:
Oct. 8, 2012
Just north of High Shoals was Cooterback Cotton Mill that was located on Indian Creek.  The mill burnt in 1929, these are pictures of the ruins.
The dam is still in good shape.
Oct. 1, 2012
This is from the Ramsey files who lived on the hill above Laboratory Mill, these pictures are from the 1940s.
Sept. 24, 2012
This is the only picture that I've seen of the Depot at Laboratory which was just north of theRhyne cotton mill.
A wider view:
Sept. 17, 2012
Gaither Frye worked at the depot for 58 years, the depot closed in 1965 and Mr' Frye's job went too.
Sept. 10, 2012
These pictures are from the 1950s when the High Shoals Lion Club sponsered eye exams for all the school children.
Sept. 3, 2012
Bud Tisdale on the old High Shoals bridge
August 27, 2012
From the Chapman collection via R. Smith
This is a picture of the some of the mill workers from 1924, some of the people are Webb Armstrong, Henry Lee Chapman and Bessie Jamison
 August 20, 2012
From the Babb collection, workers in the mill in the 1950s.
August 13, 2012
High Shoals first float in 1949 as it goes around the bottom of the court square in downtown Lincolnton.  From the LCHA  The building behind the float is now Lincoln Times.
August 6, 2012
A picture of the Superintendent's house from 1908, the house still is lived in on River Street.
July 30, 2012
From the Ramsey Files at Laboratory Mill
July 23, 2012
This picture is also from  R. Smith that was in the D.A. Tompkins collection from 1907 looking from the mill across the dam.
A closer look at the gate controls
July 16, 2012
R. Smith brought this picture, it is from 1907 showing D.A. Tompkins, who started the High Shoals Cotton Mill, started the Charlotte Observer and wrote books on the creation of cotton mills and mill villages, below the dam on the shoals.
July 9, 2012
Sam Kale, one of A.Q. Kale's sons on the mill pond with Clarie.  The small long john boats were a common site on the river.  From the Kale/Huss collection
July 2,2012
A.Q. Kale, who was the superintendant of the cotton mill until 1924, made vacation trips to the mountains many times.  In this picture the Biltmore House can be seen the the background.  From the Kale/Huss collection
June 25, 2012
The old boarding house that was on the hill behind the mill, it had been the home of John Fulinwider.
June 18, 2012
From the Babb collection,at the High Shoals Baptist Church, the post cards were sent out to friends.
on the back of the card:
June 11, 2012
This is a "pre" cedit card that was used by the mill works for goods at the company store.  This one comes from J. Dellinger from Laboratory.
June 4, 2012
A pay envelope from Laboratory Mill, it's the same as many mills in the area, the workers were paid in cash after their expenses were taken out such as rent, power, coal, etc.
from the Little files
May 28, 2012
Picnickers in the park in 1905 during the July 4th celebrations, the park was across the river on the east side.  The bandstand can be seen behind the people.
May 21, 2012
Just up the river from High Shoals is Laboratory, this pictures are from the early 1900s.
May 14, 2012
Hardin Cotton Mill was just around the bend of the river from High Shoals, at times there were fights and even one murder from the mills trying to take each others employees.
The bridge which lead from the mill to the mill village.
 May 7, 2012
A view of Dan River Cotton Mills where D.E. Rhyne worked
From the Little files
April 30, 2012
Richard Smith brought this to me from Stan Lanier, the "L" is not for Lincolnton but Laboratory baseball team, the picture was taken at the High Shoals Baseball Park.
Row 1:  Sam Freeman, Lester Finger, Charles Lanier, Rush Murriel and Jack Stamey
Row 2: Harry Lee Mostetler, George Canipe & Calvin McClure
Row 3: Tommy Canipe, Murrey Harwell, David Mace, Fred Huffstler, Fred Gates and Paul Rhyne Jr.
April 23, 2012
Claude Ramsey at Laboratory
April16, 2012
April 9, 2012
Just up the road from High Shoals is Long Shoals, this shows one of the two cement roads that the mill installed.  From Richard Smith/ Hudspath files.
At one of the mill houses at Long Shoals
April 2, 2012
William "Ham" Armstrong in Germany in 1952
March 26, 2012
From a newspaper article from 1985
March 19, 2012
 When the iron furnaces were in operation in the eastern part of Lincoln County near Iron Station, NC, it was a constant process to cut acres of trees and make charcoal to be used in the furnaces.  Here men are making charcoal.  There were many of these operations in process to supply fuel for all the furnaces in the area which made for a lot of smoke in the eastern part of the county for well over a hundred years.  John Fulinwider had such an operation along with his iron furnace.
March 12, 2012
Arial view of Laboratory Mill in the 1940s, High Shoals sister village:
March 5, 2012
In front of the old David Memorial Baptist Church in May 1959, Ethel Holtsclaw
February 27, 2012
At the Laboratory bridge in the 1940s.   From the Ramsey files
February 20, 2012
The old one land bridge at Long Shoals, NC
from the Hedpeth files/the Smith collection
February 13, 2012
Jerry White and William Armstrong on Lincoln Street in 1951
February 6, 2012
Webb with his granddaughter Julie at his home across from the bisiness district.
January 30, 2012
Wedding Day for William & Hilda Armstrong on July 3, 1954
January 23, 2012
From the Armstrong Files, William & Hilda Armstrong in 1952
January 16, 2012 a few more pictures from Indian Creek Mill
Above from 1910
Below from 1/12/2012
Below is the company office, the top floor was the company store which faced the other direction (toward the mill village)
Jan. 9, 2012
At Indian Creek (from the R. Smith collection)
The Indian Creek mill and village was closed in the 1950s. The "Lithium Corp. thought there was a huge deposit of lithium here but a huge vain was found about 20 miles away and is now the biggest open pit lithium mine in the world.
Jan. 2, 2012
From the early 1900s from the Wooton files, the mill at night
December 26, 2011
From the Ramsey collection/R. Smith Files
at Labortory Mill in the 1940s
December 19, 2011
From the "Foster" files of the Town Crier, Jack Whitener was Santa. Pictures are from 1957/58
December 12, 2011
The mill's Santa giving out Christmas gift bags in 1958.
December 5, 2011
High Shoals School Safety Patrol (late 1950s)
November 28, 2011
From the Richard Smith Collection, Riverview Church which is just up the road from High SHoals.
November 22, 2011
A view of the neighboring Southside Mill.
November 14, 2011
Dennis Blankinship at Southside
From R. Smith
November 7, 2011
Well, if you are going to hang yourself don't do it here.
Oct. 31, 2011
A scene at the mill ruins on Oct. 31, 2004, photo by Steve Bailey
Oct. 24, 2011
Claude Charles "Shorty" and Naomi R. Ramsey at the High Shoals shoals in the 1940s.  from the R. Smith Collection.
Oct. 17, 2011
The Kales on the front porch of their River Street home, around 1920.
from the "Kale" collection
Oct. 10, 2011
on the front porch of the Lithia Inn in 1908 (A.Q. Kale is second from the right).
Oct. 3, 2011
The High Shoals Police Department in about 1984
from Jo Toney
Sept. 26, 2011
The stream on Cherry Street is known as the "Sulfhur Springs"
these pictures are from 1908:
High Shoals Baptist in the stream:
Sept. 19, 2011
Mr. Kale with his first wife (her grave is in the High SHoals Cemetery) and adopted daughter (Ruby) at his house on River Street in High Shoals (the house still stands today, built in 1905).  The house was always known as the Superintendent House.
From the "Chambers" collection
Sept. 12, 2011
At the annual High Shoals Reunion on Sept. 10, 2011 Julie, Lisa and Steve
sept. 5, 2011
The High SHoals School before the planned burn in Oct. 2005.
August 29, 2011
From the "Foster" collection, downtown High Shoals in the late 1940s.
August 22, 2011
High Shoals Baptist Church members in 1908:
August 15, 2011
Remembering Bobby Joe Rice
Dec. 9, 1941-------August 13, 2011
This is his 8th grade class of 1956, Bobby Joe is center, front row.
August 8, 2011
Below the dam:
August 1, 2011
Ronnie Ward just donated many years of D.A. Kiser Hardware ledgers to the Lincoln County Historical Assoc. that he picked up at an auction in South Carolina.
July 25, 2011
Scott Burgess, Johnny Linberger Jr., ? , Johnny Linberger, Larry Reep's son, Rick Houk, Larry Reep and Ronald "Tiny" Downs about 1980
July 18, 2011
Kids showing a bird that they killed in 1908.  At that time it wasn't against the law to kill such birds.
July 11, 2011
Inside the mill
July 3, 2011
Get the High Shoals Band together, it's time to celebrate the 4th!!
June 26, 2011
Does anyone have any pictures or information of the Richard's house that was across the river bridge on Hwy 321??? 
June 19, 2011
Birthday at the Club House in the early 1950s, photo from Peggy Ray Coffey.
June 12, 2011
From the Tisdale collection, Bobby Joe Tisdale and Johnny Kanipe on Cherry Street (the river bridge can be seen in the background).
June 5, 2011
A. Abernethy home off Highway 321, from the Tisdale collection
First day of school
May 29, 2011
The town Crier, Dec. 19, 1952   ONE OF OLDEST CITIZENS
Aunt Celie Friday of near High Shoals is one of the oldest citizens, being close to one hundred years.
Aunt Celie was born into slavery but was freed when she was a young girl and can remember much of her past life......
She was married to Wade Friday and to this union were borned eleven children.................Mr. Friday died in 1939.

(Unsure when Mrs. Friday died)




May 22, 2011

From the Mary Huss collection:




May 15, 2011

From the Tim Heafner collection, aerial view on the Lincoln County side of High Shoals, General Dollar is now where the vacant lot is in the pictures (at bottom of pictures). Pictures from the 1970s. (the highway is the old 321)





May 8, 2011

This picture from 1908 showing the activity at the livery stable near the bottom of River Street.




May 1, 2011

from Frances Robinson Carnes collection

L to R: Frances Robinson, Beverly King, Reel house in background on North Street



April 24, 2011

From the David Foster collection, the railroad bridge heading into the business district in the late 1940s.



April 17, 2011

From the A.Q. Kale collection, contributed by Mary B. Huss, the picture is only about 2", I didn't even see the Biltmore House until I enlarged it.  The picture is from about 1920.  A.Q. was the superintendent of the cotton mill from 1901 until 1924, they loved to spend time in the Asheville area.



April 10, 2011

The Catawba River Bridge was a favorite place to take pictures.  Here's Lillie Chambers Babb in 1946.  (From the babb Collection)


Lillie Chambers Babb on the bridge in 1947.



April 3, 2011


From the Millwood collection, unknown ladies standing at the Lincoln/Gaston County line (year unknown)



March 27, 2011

From the 1950s,

Thelma Mauney Abernathy, working in the mill.
( April 1, 1930 - March 24, 2011 )


March 20, 2011

These are  the size of the pictures that we were dealing with in the A.Q. Kale collection from Mary Huss and the captions on the back were very hard to make out what was written on them.

The coins show the size of these pictues


 The pictures were glued on black construction paper which was hard to remove without damaging the pictues.



March 13, 2011

Clam shells below the dam




March 6, 2011

Aerial views of High Shoals from the early 1970s (From the David Foster Collection)






Feb. 27, 2011


Boating on the mill pond 1908





Feb. 20, 2011

These pictures are from Jan. 17, 2005 of Kiser Hardware on the Lincoln County side of High Shoals.  It closed permanently several months after these pictures were taken.  See the related article in the Forum.





Feb. 13, 2011

The High Shoals Hotel was located beside of the mill, it was later used as the mill office.





Feb. 6, 2011

(In honor of Black History Month) The company picnics were seperated until the late 1960s.  The white employees had their picnic at Rankin Lake, The black employees had their picnic at Cloninger Lake.

The Town Crier, Sept. 1957 Page 4



The colored employees of Carolinian Mills and their families enjoyed an outing at Cloninger's Lake............

The children enjoyed a peanut scramble, a search for money buried in a box of flour and various races and contest.






Jan. 30, 2011

From the David Foster Collection of  The Town Crier:



Jan. 23, 2011

These pictures are from Lynne Carpenter Millwood, Tweetsie Railroad was a popular spot to visit for families, church groups, scouts, etc.

Fred Kirby was a familiar sight at the railroad, from autographing photographs to killing outlaws and Indians.



Jan. 16, 2011

This picture came from Hilda Armstrong, it's of her husband, William (left) and Don Sullivan at the High Shoals Cafe from September 1969.



Jan. 9, 2011

This weeks pictures are from Bradley Scott Richard, thanks Mr. Richard for letting us post these windows into the past, he writes:

The picture is of my dad Larry T Richard and the Picture of my Mom is at the house that burn down beside the White Church and you can post it. I think it would be a cool thing to see dad on the web site. My family is from High Shoals and I still live close. My grand dad was one of the City leaders. Oscar T Richard.









Design by Todd Willis


Drums Funeral Home and Florist in the 1950s at the corner of North Academy Street and East Sycamore Street in downtown Lincolnton.  From the "Downs" collection

(Picture below)

Lincoln County News Dec. 23, 1948
The Drums Florist float did not get in the Christmas parade because of a regrettable accident, many folks have expressed a desire to see a picture of the float... and here it is. Tis a pity this picture couldn't have been printed in color as the float was one of the most colorfull prepared for the parade. The float had to be torn up when its driver, Wilson Burgess, was overcome with gas as the float was lining up for the parade.
(Left to Right: Jean Heafner Harnack, Pat Drum Lawing, Lou Ella Harvey Turner, and Barbara Burris Miller.)



 Another parade picture from Drums Florist on East Main Street in Lincolnton, NC.


Drums Florist and Funeral Home on North Academy Street in Downtown Lincolnton in 1962.

E.F. Drum at the florist approx. 1945:



An old post card showing the quarter parking for downtown Lincolnton's shoppers provided by the Drums.




connecting past and present residents and to help preserve the history of High Shoals and the surrounding areas

Books on High Shoals



D.A. Tompkins bought the land and water rights in 1892 to build the cotton mill which started production on October 1, 1901. This is a book that he wrote in 1899. The book goes into great detail from the development of the cotton mill village, the raw cotton, the building of the community, building the factory, and the shipping of the finished product world wide. It was reprinted by the University of Michigan Library and can be viewed at the address below.

.click here to view the book:



At one time High Shoals was a piece of Lincoln County. This book was first published in 1910 and then republished in 1983 by the Lincoln County Historical Association.
John Fulenwider is mentioned in the book ( he fought in the Battle of Ramseurs Mill and the Battle of Kings Mountain) and goes into detail on many things that involve High Shoals and the surrounding areas.

Click on the address below to see the book.



Here's an address of this book, page twenty four highlights High Shoals.

Click on address below to see the interesting book:


Share Old Pictures

Are there old pictures of High Shoals in your family album?We would love to see them. The staff is willing to help preserve these windows into the past by making copies of your pictures and returning the originials and CDs of the pictures as soon as possible. We know the importance of your pictures to you and your families.


Special thanks to Mary Huss for letting us see the wonderful pictures in her collection of the A. Q. Kale history.


We will be showing these pictures with the articles that appeared in "The Town Crier' as time allows. Everyone thanks David for his insight in saving these pictures from being destroyed at the final closure of the mill.




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